Tuesday 26 July 2022

Everything About Areola & Nipple Tattoo!!

Areola Nipple Tattoo

Cosmetically, an areola pigmentation tattoo is applied to the breast or chest where the areola is located. When it comes to inking the nipple using areola ink, the goal is to modify the look of the nipple in some way. It's much like any other tattoo—inking ink into the skin to produce a permanent image—but areola tattoos tend to be exceptionally fine-tuned in blending and feathering.

Why Do People Get Areola & Nipple Tattoos?

For breast cancer survivors, a 3-D or 4-D Nipple tattoo and Areola pigmentation tattoo may be a great way to help them feel more confident about their bodies following surgery. Even after breast reconstruction surgery, many cancer survivors still feel self-conscious about their bodies. Using areola tattoos is a terrific method for women to create the bodies they desire and increase their self-confidence and self-esteem. This is an excellent option for individuals who don't want to undergo nipple reconstruction surgery.

If you've had breast reconstruction surgery and had your nipple damaged, you're not the only one who may have a 3-D or 4-D Nipple tattoo. You might have scars or a deformed areola if you underwent surgery that left the nipple intact. To correct the nipple's size, shape, and color irregularities, tattoos can be applied directly over the areas in question.

How to Find an Artist for Areola & Nipple Tattoo Houston?

You need to choose an artist that is the best Areola & Nipple Tattoo Houston, who has expertise in tattooing or cosmetic tattooing and is fluent in this specific style of tattoo because areola tattoos are so unique and delicate. Ask them for advice if you're unsure where to begin and have a friend who has had an areola tattoo. Contact a local breast cancer support group or center for advice on how to get the ink. ART, a global community of skilled and advanced tattoo artists specializing in permanent areola and restorative tattooing, is another excellent option for locating a tattoo artist. Certain dermatologists and physicians' offices also offer the treatment; even if they don't, they'll be pleased to recommend artists of the highest quality.

Make sure to look at examples of the Areola & Nipple Tattoo Houston tattoo artist's previous work to see whether the style you're looking for is something they do. There should be before and after photographs of nipple tattoos in the portfolios of well-established artists, so check online or contact them personally if you can't find any.

Even once you've found a talented Areola & Nipple Tattoo Houston artist, the labor doesn't stop. Before the procedure begins, meet with the artist to discuss the desired look of your areolas, have the artist assess your breast's scars and skin texture, and go over any other specifics that need to be worked out.

How Long Will an Areola & Nipple Tattoo Last?

Although they're long-lasting, areola tattoos and nipple tattoos are considered cosmetic procedures rather than body modification procedures. The purpose of cosmetic tattooing is not to draw attention to yourself but to modify your appearance so that the tattoo is virtually invisible.

Nipple Tattoo

Unlike regular tattoo ink, cosmetic tattoos are less concentrated, so your body will break them down more quickly. This will eventually lead to fading, but it won't happen immediately. After a few years, you may expect to see some fading, but how long it will last depends on your metabolism and skin health, so it's impossible to say for sure. Don't use strong cleansers, aloe vera, Retin-A, or glycolic acid on your natural areola tattoo since they might cause it to fade more quickly.

Side Effects of Areola & Nipple Tattoo

  • Swelling and redness are expected after getting a tattoo, and you may feel as if your skin has been "tightened" or pulled tautly. 
  • You should not be frightened if your healing ink looks uneven or hard to the touch.
  • Scabbing and flaking are also to be anticipated.
  • Even if your areola micro-pigmentation tattoo doesn't get infected, it can still produce swelling, redness, and agony.
  • Fever and muscular pains also signal that something is amiss in the healing process, so keep an eye out for these.

Important Note: Breast cancer survivors should rest easy knowing that an areola micro-pigmentation& tattoo does not raise the chance of a recurrence of the disease. However, being tattooed should be postponed if you're having radiation treatment. For more information about areola & nipple tattoos visit Beat & Blade Salon.

Resource: https://www.beatandblade.com/post/everything-about-areola-nipple-tattoo

Monday 11 July 2022

A Brief Guide to Microblading Ombre Brows!!

Microblading Brows

We've all heard of microblading, the semi-permanent tattoo method used to create the appearance of more prominent, more attractive ombre brows Houston and ombre brows Austin when it comes to permanent and semi-permanent cosmetics. Microblading's hyper-realistic effect rapidly made it famous. More than one million women worldwide have taken advantage of this surgery. On the other hand, not everyone is a good candidate for ombre Microblading brows. Because microblading might seem fuzzy on women with wide pores and greasy skin, it is not recommended for them. Ombre eyebrows are the best choice for oily-skinned women.

What is Micro-blading?

Semi-permanent Ombre eyebrows, also known as Powdered Brows, provide the appearance of softly coloured brow pencils. Since its inception in Asia, this incredible method has undergone several iterations and improvements. The brows look thicker and more defined as a result. If you've got oily or mixed skin, or if you frequently fill in your brows with a pencil or shadow, this product is for you.

Ombre Powder Brows vs Microblading

How the pigment is placed into the skin differs the most between the two semi-permanent brow-styling methods. Microblading employs a handheld instrument to carve small incisions into the skin, whereas Ombre microblading eyebrows are done with a machine and are more permanent. In comparison to microblading, ombre powder is less intrusive.

Benefits of Ombre Powder Brows

  • Like microblading, ombre brows tattoo are suitable for all skin types – except oily ones.
  • This treatment will result in a more prominent, more defined, and dramatic-looking brow.
  • When it comes to microblading, ombre brows may endure for up to five years.
  • In comparison to microblading, an ombre powder brows tattoo is less intrusive.
  • In addition, it is less unpleasant than microblading to use this semi-permanent method of brow grooming.

How Long Does Ombre Microblading Last?

Two to five years is the average lifespan of ombre microblading eyebrows. How long it lasts depends on various factors, including lifestyle, skin type, exposure to sunlight, health status, and more.

Ombre Powder Brows Aftercare

  1. Take it easy on the exercise and sweat.
  2. The scabs should be left alone. 
  3. For at least 12-14 days, refrain from using eye makeup in the area between the brows.
  4. Limit your time in the sun.
  5. While your skin is recovering, don't have any facial treatments.
  6. Avoid taking long, hot showers unless necessary.
  7. Avoid over-washing your brows. A cotton pad can be used to wipe the area.

Microblading Ombre Brows

Makeup Tutorial on How to Make Ombré Eyebrows

This course teaches how to make solid and natural-looking eyebrows for yourself or your customers. Celebrities and the general public increasingly embrace this simple and beautiful shading method. Ombré eyebrows may be achieved by following these instructions! Before beginning this method, two colors of brown, powder, or a high-quality pencil, are required.

Take Care of Your Eyebrows

To tame your brows, move the spool brush upwards. Use a pair of brow trimming scissors to cut your hair into manageable lengths to get an even look. Maintaining a tidy appearance is a good time to pluck your brows.

Just a little bit of a fill-in

Fill up any gaps in your eyebrows with your light brown pencil or powder. When you get to the arch of your brow, stop applying makeup with short, sparse strokes to simulate the hair on your brows.

Achieve a Full Arch

Use a deeper shade of eye makeup or pencil until you reach your brow arch. Your brows should be filled in from the arch to the outside corner.


To ensure that your hard work doesn't waste, you'll need to set your eyebrows using a clear eyebrow gel.

Why Choose Ombre Brows Houston?

If you're looking for one of the most reputable Ombre Brows in Houston, look no further! BeatandBlad is the right place for you.

Their semi-permanent eyebrow shaping procedures have helped many individuals increase their self-esteem for years. Consequently, one of the best Ombre Brows in Houston can provide our clients with precisely what they're searching for.

So, if you're interested in learning more about how ombre brows Austin might improve your appearance, don't hesitate to contact BeatandBlade right now. To enhance your appearance, they can assist you in getting more significant and better-defined eyebrows. They guarantee a safe and successful process.

Resource: https://www.beatandblade.com/post/a-brief-guide-to-microblading-ombre-brows

Aftercare instructions for 3D Areola Tattooing: A Complete Guide

  Breast cancer is a life-altering experience for women who have undergone mastectomy. While mastectomy is necessary for the treatment of ...